Devyani is Remco Chair & NED at Norman Broadbent Plc and Supply Chain Coordination Limited and an Independent NED on the Audit Board of ForvisMazars. She is ben recognized for her ESG expertise and is a ‘Fellow’ at Chapter Zero (Cambridge University), an organization focused on Climate and Board Directors. She is also a ‘Board Mentor’ with Critical Eye and mentor’s CEO’s and C level executives.
Over the last seven years, Devyani has been a successful AI entrepreneur. She has recently concluded the successful exit of her AI Innovation Hub advising corporates on digital adoption of AI solutions around leadership, culture, and the future of work.
Prior to this, over a 30 year period, Devyani was an international and multi-sector FTSE 30 Group CHRO leading large, diverse, and multi- billion complex organizations through transformational change. She has done global roles in successful organizations across various industries such as British Gas, Rolls Royce, Citibank, AT&T and BSI. Having lived and worked in China, Singapore, and Europe (and managed teams in the Americas Asia & Middle East) she is very international in her outlook.